List of Confirmed Contributions

Exploring High-Variability Phonetic Training through Text-To-Speech Technology in ESL Pronunciation Pedagogy (Research Paper)                                                                  Corresponding author: Forcan AL-SHAMI

Studying the Emotional Regulation of Saudi Instructors Through the Lens of the Complex Dynamic Systems Theory                                                                                                        Corresponding author: Alaa AL ADNANI

Designing and Evaluating a Task Recommender System for Wikidata Editors                  Corresponding author: Khloud ALGHAMDI 

A National Survey of Kuwaiti English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers' Practical Pedagogical Knowledge for Technology Integration (Research Paper)                          Corresponding author: Maha ALGHASAB

Digital interaction and communication (Symposium)                                            Corresponding author: Maha ALTHIYABI

Using response tools to foster learner interaction through dictogloss activities in high tech EFL teaching contexts (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                              Corresponding author: Christopher ALLEN

The Case for Watching Gameplay for Language-learning Purposes: Merits and Implications (Research Paper)                                                                                                    Corresponding author: Shawn ANDERSSON

Exploring Reading Anxiety and On-screen Reading with GSR, Eye tracking and Surveys (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                          Corresponding author: Andrew ATKINS

Online ICC: Integrating Social Media for Developing EFL Learners' Intercultural Communicative Competence at an Algerian EFL Context. (Research and Development Paper) Corresponding author: Souad BAILICH

Chat-GPT for Writing Analysis: How Can it Assist the University Student (and Professor)? (Research Paper)                                                                                                        Corresponding author: Michael BARR

Use of AI-generated language samples and questions for the learning of vocabulary (Research and Development Paper)                                                       Corresponding author: Gordon BATESON

'AI Write'- AI tools for writing: Integration of advanced technology in academic writing within university curricula and student support structures (European Project Dissemination) Corresponding author: Joanna BAUMGART

Beyond words: Navigating the impact of generative AI on writing pedagogy (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                                                        Corresponding author: Joanna BAUMGART

The Renaissance of Humanities in a Technology-Driven Society (Plenary  Speech)                    Corresponding author: Branislav BÉDI

Designing pedagogically cured interface of the CAPTinI system for practising pronunciation in L2 Icelandic (Research Paper)                                                                              Corresponding author: Branislav BÉDI

AI for long-term unemployed: promoting language learning through collaboration and bottom-up design (Research paper)                                                                                             Corresponding author: Linda BRADLEY

What does GenAI mean for open education and LMOOCs? (Symposium)             Corresponding author: Kate BORTHWICK

Integrating Learner Corpus Research into English Teacher Training (Reflective Practice Paper) Presenting author: Kryštof BUCHAL

Affordances of HeyGEN to Influence the Ideal L2 Self (Research Paper)                Corresponding author: Ana BUMBER

RISE UP - Digital tools and gamification in minoritised language contexts: (Un)availability, needs, and future perspectives (European Project Dissemination)                      Corresponding author: Stephanie CAJKA

Enhancing Language and Service Learning through CALL: A Study on Integrating Technology in a Community Service Practice Course (Research Paper)                                   Corresponding author: Fidel CAKMAK

Interfacing AI and Humanity: ChatGPT's Scaffolding Role in EFL Poetry Composition (Research Paper)                                                                                                        Corresponding author: Fidel CAKMAK

From Speech to Text: Exploring Automatic Speech Recognition as a Writing Tool (Research Paper)                                                                                                                      Corresponding author: Walcir CARDOSO

Inclusive teaching practices in online language teacher training courses: fostering humanity in CALL (Poster)                                                                                                        Corresponding author: Giovanna CARLONI

Self-Access Centers in Placement Tests Preparation Courses (Research Paper)   Corresponding author: Maria del CARMEN BOLONA LOPEZ 

Paper to Pixels: the Role of Collaborative Online Journaling in the AI Age (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                                                                      Corresponding author: Geoffrey CARR

Presentation of the project Artificial Intelligence in Language Learning and Teacher Education                                                                                                                                      Corresponding author: Juan Carlos CASAN-NUNEZ

Using Stimulated Recall Interviews and transcription and waveform analysis software and  to explore fluency issues in student academic presentations (Research Paper)  Corresponding author: Heejin CHANG

Chinese Easy Corpus: An Effective Tool for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (Research and Development Paper)                                                                       Corresponding author: Li-ping CHANG

An open educational resource to teach language and culture (Research and Development Paper)                                                                                                                     Corresponding author: Heejin CHANG

Hybrid Teaching in Language Education from the Perspectives of Teachers and Students (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                                        Corresponding author: Jinhua CHENG

Influence of Multimodal Portfolios on Preservice English Teachers' Knowledge Construction on English Instruction (Research Paper)                                                                Corresponding author: Chin-Wen CHIEN

When old is better than new: contextualizing corpus-based readability in Romanian language textbooks for targeted digital intervention (Research Paper)                    Corresponding author: Madalina CHITEZ 

Investigating the Effects of A Synchronous Digital Tutoring Project on Elementary Students' English Learning (Research Paper)                                                                        Corresponding author: Chiou-hui CHOU

Engaging Young Learners in Synchronous English Learning with SDGs Lessons (Research Paper)                                                                                                                      Corresponding author: Chiou-hui CHOU

Methodology of Research Syntheses in CALL (Symposium)                                  Corresponding author: Yazdan CHOUBSAZ

Technology-mediated Task-Based Language Teaching in a Virtual Reality learning environment (Research Paper)                                                                              Corresponding author: Maria CHRISTOFOROU

Building Cooperative Relationships in Task-Based Language Learning and Teacher Training with Virtual Reality. (Research Paper)                                                                    Corresponding author: Ilaria COMPAGNONI

Perceptions, practices, and attitudes on the use of technology in the English as a Foreign Language classroom: The iPad in the Andorran school system (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Ferran COSTA

Immersive Virtual Reality and Incidental Language Learning: Evidence from Interaction Between Young Language Learners (Research Paper)                                           Corresponding author: Robin COUTURE-MATTE

Engagement matters: teachers' perceptions of and experiences with student engagement at an online EAP programme (Research Paper)                                                              Corresponding author: Karla Kerlley de LIMA GUEDES

Combining ChatGPT/Gemini with Interactive Speech for Authentic Spoken Language Practice (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                                      Corresponding author: Jeanette DENNISSON

Where the Reader Wanders, Learning Follows: Promoting accessibility, equity and inclusivity in an online literature course (Reflective Practice Paper)                                     Corresponding author: Roisin DEWART

Fostering Equity, Accessibility and Academic Integrity within an LMS Module (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                                                        Corresponding author: Roisin DEWART

Adequacy and effectiveness of GenAI for open content creation in English for academic and professional communication (Research Paper)                                                        Corresponding author: Paz DÍEZ ARCÓN

Enhancing Lexical Stress Accuracy in L2 Learners: A Pilot Study Using 3D Spectrogram Visualization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Kizzi EDENSOR COSTILLE

Learner-led Negotiation of Practice in International Online Collaboration (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Darren ELLIOTT

Dances with data, not dreams: Artificial Intelligence and Poetry in English Language Education (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                    Corresponding author: Darren ELLIOTT

Leveraging human computer interactions to scaffold speaking confidence (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                                                        Corresponding author: Federico ESPINOSA

AI Divide and Language Teaching: Can It Be Narrowed? (Reflective Practice Paper) Corresponding author: Mohammad ETEDALI

Enhancing Interaction in Artificial Intelligence-based Role-Playing Chatbots for Foreign Language Instruction: A Design-Based Research Approach (Poster)                          Corresponding author: Felix FANROTH

Empowering use of digital tools by EFL trainee-teachers through reflective practice (Research Paper)                                                                                                              Corresponding author: Jules FAURE

VEMO-HIST Virtual Exchange: meeting new cultures and learning about their history and language with Artificial Intelligence (Research Paper)                                          Corresponding author: Marta FORTES

Educational transnational simulation game for plurilingual and intercultural school organization (European Project Dissemination)                                                      Corresponding author: Philipp FÖRSTER 

Service-Learning through Virtual Exchange to Promote Intergenerational Learning (Research and Development Paper)                                                                                       Corresponding author: Carolin FUCHS

Effective use of foreign languages in digital environments as a prerequisite for Erasmus+ mobility a study among secondary school students (Research Paper)                Corresponding author: Elzbieta GAJEK

Grammatical Error Correction and Explanation for Learners of Chinese Using Large Language Models (Research and Development Paper)                                                            Corresponding author: Zhao-Ming GAO

Learners are Masters: The Karaoke as an Ergonomic Dispositif for Foreign Languages Learning (Research Paper)                                                                                      Corresponding author: Leïla G-BLILI

Detecting Ethical Directions in CALL (Research Paper)                                                  Corresponding author: John GILLESPIE  

AI write': AI tools for L1 and L2 academic writing (Workshop)                                Corresponding author: Marta GIRALT 

The only way is up! An online platform to guide and support independent learning  (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                                      Corresponding author: Luis GONZALEZ

Interacting with AI in creative translation teaching (Reflective Practice Paper)    Corresponding author: Sara GREAVES

Exploring Augmented Reality Instructional Design for Language Learning          Corresponding author: Alice GRUBER

Eight Years of Designing Augmented Reality Applications: Collaboration, Challenges, and Contradictions (Research Paper)                                                                            Corresponding author: Stella HADJISTASSOU

Identifying and respoding to Artificial Intelligence in evaluating written assignments              Corresponding author: Zuzana HRDLIČKOVÁ 

Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on the Role of Literature in English Language Teaching (Research Paper)                                                                                        Corresponding author: Jakub HRINAK

Do teachers modify their instruction-giving strategies when repeating the same task with learners using different communicative modes during synchronous online language tutorials (Research Paper)                                                                                     Corresponding author: Yu-Hsien HUNG

CALL: We Make the World Better (Plenary speech)                                                        Corresponding author: Phil HUBBARD

Creating Targeted Technology Standards for Language Teachers: Report on a Canadian Project (Research and Development Paper)                                                          Corresponding author: Phil HUBBARD

Examining the influence of online tutorial conversation in English as a lingua franca on L2 learners' speaking proficiency and intercultural communicative competence (Reflective Practice Paper) Corresponding author: Atsushi LINO

Use of Digital Learning Materials for Inclusive Education (Research Paper)                                 Corresponding author: Shizuka ITAGAKI 

Exploring the Potential of High Immersion Social Virtual Reality for Intercultural Learning in Virtual Exchange Initiatives (Research Paper)                                                        Corresponding author: Kristi JAUREGI-ONDARRA

Using Google Translate TTS and ASR for L2 pronunciation activities in perception and production (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                    Corresponding author: Paul JOHN

COILing for Humanity, Intercultural Sensitivity, and Communicative Competence (Research and Development Paper)                                                                                       Corresponding author: Brent JONES

Development of an application to test young L2 learners phonological awareness autonomously (Research Paper)                                                                                Corresponding author: Marie-Pierre JOUANNAUD 

Generative AI in Virtual Reality for the Development of Speaking Skills (Research Paper)  Corresponding author: Regina KAPLAN-RAKOWSKI

Students' perceptions of a video letter assignment in an asynchronous virtual exchange project (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                          Corresponding author: Naoko KASAMI

The Use of Kahoot! as an Alternative for Traditional Homework Methods (Symposium) Corresponding author: Ikram KHANSAL

Generative AI as a tool for enhancing English Medium Instruction (Research Paper)                Corresponding author: Hisayo KIKUCHI

Unraveling the Pedagogical Viability and User Perceptions of Audio Feedback in Online Language Education: A Systematic Review (Research Paper)                                Corresponding author: Merve KIYMAZ

Evaluative Language and Interpersonal Dynamics in Screencast Feedback: An Appraisal Framework Analysis (Research Paper)                                                                      Corresponding author: Merve KIYMAZ 

Anxiety, Social Semiotic Play, Multimodal Social Networking, and Multimodal Digital Literacies of L2 Beginning Learners (Research Paper)                                          Corresponding author: Liudmila KLIMANOVA

CALL for Humanity: Promoting Equitable and Inclusive CALL Pedagogies and Practices (Symposium)                                                                                                            Corresponding author: Liudmila KLIMANOVA

Correcting the Corrector: An exploration of AWE accuracy across proficiency levels (Research Paper)                                                                                                                     Corresponding author: Joshua KLOPPERS

Multilingual and multifunctional dictionary in the service of language teaching (Research and Development Paper)                                                                                                Presenting author: Milan KOLKA

The impact of social presence in synchronous online language learning in non-formal adult education for interaction competence (Research Paper)                                      Corresponding author: Kirsi KORKEALEHTO

Impact of Dictionary Interface: Different Lookup Behavior and Learning Outcomes (Poster) Corresponding author: Toshiko KOYAMA

The Selection of an Appropriate Word Counting Unit for Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in CALL Projects (Research Paper)                                                                         Corresponding author: Louis LAFLEUR

Education for Peace Through Internationalization at Universities and Virtual Exchanges: Key Educator Competences (Plenary Speech)                                                                        Corresponding author: Yuliana LAVRYSH

.Building a learner-centred adaptive learning system: An assessment perspective (Research and Development Paper)                                                                                              Corresponding author: Hye-won LEE

 Designing and developing an automatic input enhancement system for L2 reading (Poster)  Corresponding author: Mihwa LEE

RST Discourse Tree Patterns of Early-stage vs. Advanced Writers (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Yayun LI

The JingJing style: Playful stylization and translingual politics in social media discourse (Research Paper)                                                                                                            Corresponding author: Mei-Ya LIANG

The impact of scaffolding with AI tools on self-regulated language learning for academic writing (Research Paper)                                                                                        Corresponding author: Dora LOIZIDOU

Spotlighting the human in LMOOC research: some insights from language learning motivation (Research Paper)                                                                                  Corresponding author: Conchúr Mac LOCHLAINN

Integrating Process Data in AI-based Learning and Assessment: Considerations for Learners with Learning Difficulties (Research Paper)                                                           Corresponding author: Sylwia MACINSKA

Exploring the Interplay between WhatsApp and Reflective Journals in Telecollaborative Projects (Research and Development Paper)                                                         Corresponding author: Oneil MADDEN

Exploiting the potentials of Interactive Live Worksheets in French Online Classes in Jamaica (Research Paper)                                                                                                                           Corresponding author: Oneil MADDEN

Exposing Francophone students to the Jamaican Language and Culture: Reflections from the ClerKing Telecollaborative Project (Research and Development Paper)                                        Corresponding author: Oneil MADDEN

ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education in Jamaica: Opportunity or Threat? Reviewing Stakeholders' perceptions (Research Paper)                                                            Corresponding author: Oneil MADDEN

MALL SIG Symposium (Symposium)                                                                                      Chair: Marnilynne MANEGRE

Cross-Cultural Peer Feedback in Academic Writing Tasks: A Virtual Exchange Connecting Students in Sri Lanka with Students in Spain (Research Paper)                           Corresponding author: Marni MANEGRE

How to embrace diversity in the L2 classroom. The use of AI to tailor materials to students' needs through Rania from Magic School AI (Poster) Corresponding author: Lola LÓPEZ MOLINES

Integrating Corpus Linguistics into Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching: Enhancing EFL Secondary Students' Spoken Grammar Skills (Research Paper)                Corresponding author: Valentina MORGANA

The Impact of Flipped Classroom Model for the Development of English Oral Skills with Algerian University Students (Poster)                                                                   Corresponding author: Mohammed MOUSSAOUI

Are we taking the "Ps" seriously on the road to AI personalisation? From Prompts & Pedagogies to Practices & Policies: exploring issues and affordances of AI in CALL with students and researcher-tutors (Research Paper)                                                  Corresponding author: Liam MURRAY

Examining fairness of automatic scoring systems in pronunciation proficiency tests: Exploring age, gender, and first language bias (Research Paper)                         Corresponding author: Carey NELSON

Teaching and learning of specialist languages via AI technologies to enhance the teaching and learning of receptive and productive skills in a multimodal learning environment (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                                      Corresponding author: Ana NINO

Effects of the use of machine translation on learners' foreign language writing: A qualitative study (Poster)                                                                                                              Corresponding author: Mikie NISHIYAMA

Language Teaching in Virtual Immersive Environments: A Discussion on Effective Task Design (Symposium)                                                                                                Corresponding author: Susanna NOCCHI

The Impact of User-Generated Content Platforms on L2 Vocabulary Learning              Corresponding author: Asmaa NOORWALLI

AI SIG Symposium (Symposium) Chair: Louise OHASHI

From Zero to Hero: Language Teaching in the Technology Era (Research Paper)  Corresponding author: Özge ÖZTÜRK

Using ChatGPT for academic communication: Students' perspectives (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Jaeuk PARK

The changing landscape of publishing: from open science to AI (Editors' workshop) Chairs: Pascual PÉREZ-PAREDES & Alex BOULTON 

Multilingual corpora as a resource in social-justice-informed teaching (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Pascual PÉREZ-PAREDES

Integrating digital movie-making projects in EFL teacher training (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Silvia POKRIVCAKOVA

Tensions between homogenization and empowerment: student reflections on the impact of AI on human voice (Research Paper)                                                                     Corresponding author: Marilize PRETORIUS

Toward a New Theoretical Framework for Computer-assisted Language Learning: the Role of Design Thinking Skills (DECALL) in Shaping Language Learners' L2 Grits within Artificial Intelligence in Language Learning (AILL) (Research Paper)                                            Corresponding author: Amir Reza RAHIMI 

Multimodal Digital Literacies in L2/FL Education: A Systematic Review of Interactive and Immersive Approaches (Poster)                                                                                Corresponding author: Sonia REGGIO

Extensive Reading: AI-Powered Interactive Reader Creation (Reflective Practice Paper) Corresponding author: Gary ROSS

Examining the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) assignments among undergraduates at a Transnational Educational partnership college in China (Research and Development Paper)                                                                  Corresponding author: Alex RUNCHMAN

Designing and implementing AI-enhanced learning classroom for very young English language learners (Research and Development Paper)                                            Corresponding author: Gulnara SADYKOVA

Possibility of Enhancing English Language Learning through AI Avatars in Virtual Reality: Effects on Students' Speaking Performance and Foreign Language Anxiety (Research and Development Paper)                                                                                                Corresponding author: Yukie SAITO

How does ChatGPT compare with human-generated corrective feedback for grammatical accuracy development in EFL learners' written productions? (Research Paper)  Corresponding author: Cédric SARRÉ

Enhancing gender-neutral language awareness in Japanese English learners: A data-driven learning approach (Research Paper)                                                                       Corresponding author: Yoshiho SATAKE

Evaluating the impact of the ELSA app on Japanese students' pronunciation awareness and their perceptions                                                                                                    Corresponding author: Tomoe SATO  

Fanfiction and Digital Practices for Language Teacher Professional Development (Research Paper)                                                                                                                      Corresponding author: Shannon SAURO

A Semi-systematic Review of Research on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in Second-Language Acquisition (SLA) (Research Paper)                                          Corresponding author: Anne-Marie SÉNÉCAL

DIY better than just AI: Humanity in VE                                                                        Corresponding author: Ana SEVILLA-PAVON 

AI in higher education writing instruction: state-of-the-art (Symposium)                    Corresponding author: Carola STROBL

English conversation lessons for Japanese EFL Students using Metaverse (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Eisaku TAKAHASHI

Around the World on Eight Plates: The Effect of YouTube Videos Created by Teachers as Supplementary Materials on Academic Achievement and Cross-Cultural Competence Among L2 Learners in Taiwan (Research Paper)                                                                  Corresponding author: Chiachieh TANG

Exploring preservice language teachers' transformative learning experiences in a virtual exchange-COIL project: Perspectives from two teacher education programs in the US and in Turkey (Research Paper)                                                                                          Corresponding author: Sibel TATAR

How AI Can Assist Student Presentations (Reflective Practice Paper)                        Corresponding author: Anthony C. TORBERT

A Study on the effectiveness of cross-disciplinary teaching in cultivating medical English pronunciation through a corpus-based computer-assisted English pronunciation training (Research Paper)                                                                                                        Corresponding author: Pihua TSAI

LexPro: A plurilingual lexical profiling tool for research and materials development (Research and Development Paper)                                                                           Corresponding author: Amaury Van PARYS

AI-powered tools in English pronunciation classroom: an action research report (Research Paper)                                                                                                                      Corresponding author: Hana VANCOVA

Revolutionising EAP with AI: Evaluating the Accuracy and Efficacy of an Automatic Speech Assessment System                                                                                                   Corresponging author: Jingwen WANG

Exploring the Roles and Impacts of Reflective E-Portfolios in Higher Education Elective Language Courses: A Study of Chinese as a Foreign Language in an Irish University (Research Paper)                                                                                                                          Corresponding author: Mengdi WANG WANG

Enhancing Automated Generation of Multiple-Choice Cloze Vocabulary Questions: Integrating Google Ngram and Collocation-Based Stem Generation into VocQGen (Research Paper)                                                                                                                              Corresponding author: Qiao WANG

Integrating AI in EFL writing - Insights from Japanese Classrooms (Research Paper)    Corresponding author: Yijen WANG

Mobile Resources to Improve Oral Proficiency Beyond the Classroom for Tourism Students in a Low-Tech Environment (Research Paper)                                                            Corresponding author: Gina WARD

Exploring the Intersection of AI and Language Learning: A Study of Japanese and International Students' Perspectives (Research Paper)                                            Corresponding author: Jeremy WHITE 

Sink or swim? Learner autonomy in synchronous oral telecollaboration from a task-based perspective (Research Paper)                                                                                Corresponding author:Ciara WIGHAM

Digital language learning strategies: Autonomous learning and CALL (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Joseph WOOD

Enhancing Human-Centric CALL through AI Innovations (Research Paper)            Corresponding author: Liang XU

Enhancing Language Learning for Dyslexic Learners: Integrating Text-to-Speech AI in CALL (Research Paper)                                                                                            Corresponding author: Liang XU

The Effect that the Mental Therapy through Children Songs Brings to Adults (Workshop) Corresponding author: Toshihiro YAMANISHI

On the development of medical English ESP learning model using VR space (Reflective Practice Paper)                                                                                                       Corresponding author: Iwao YAMASHITA

The long-term effect of using gamified quizzes for formative assessment purposes on student engagement in an EFL reading course in a Chinese university (Research Paper) Corresponding author: Rui YAN

Enhancing Digital Competences in Education: Insights from the "Strategies in a Digital Era" Project (European Project Dissemination)                                                             Corresponding author: Senem YILDIZ

Prospective English Language Teachers' Corpus Literacy Skills and Corpus-based Materials (Research Paper)                      Corresponding author: Ece Genç YÖNTEM

Navigating New Frontiers: An Exploratory Study of AI Literacy Skills among Second Language Learners (Research Paper)                                                                                      Corresponding author: Artem ZADOROZHNYY

LCTL symposium                                                                                                     Corresponding author: Jacqueline ŻAMMIT

Virtual exchange as a personalised experience: the role of personality traits (Research Paper)                                                                                                                     Corresponding author: Junyao ZHANG